Mary Campbell,
Extension Director and Urban Sustainability Agent
Extension Director and Urban Sustainability Agent
Don’t miss Chickens 101 on Saturday, April 20, 8:30 pm to 12:00 pm at Weedon Island Preserve Education Center (1800 Weedon Drive NE St. Petersburg, 33702). Sign up today.
City dwellers are embracing the joys of raising chickens for food and fun. A program offered at Pinellas County Extension will provide expert information on raising and caring for your backyard chickens. The interest in local food production has blossomed over the last few years with more communities passing local ordinances that allow for backyard chickens. Unincorporated Pinellas County passed the ordinance to allow four chickens per resident. As part of the local food movement, raising chickens has many benefits, from fresh eggs to the activity around caring for your mini flock. Chickens are easy to care for and a great learning opportunity for kids. Chickens are friendly and believe it or not, have personality.
A chicken coop in Florida does not need to be expensive or elaborate. An area that is covered by a roof and enclosed with a minimum of two sides for protection from prevailing rain and wind is sufficient. The size of the house should be based on a minimum of three square feet of floor space per bird. The use of fencing helps in confining the birds and provides protection from predators. The top of the enclosure also needs to be covered to prevent flying and climbing predators from entering. Using an enclosed run during the day provides an open area that reduces stress, pecking, and will allow the birds to supplement their diets with a variety of greens and insects.
Find out how easy and fun backyard chickens can be and sign up for Chickens 101.
Extension programs are open to all persons without regard
to race, color, sex, age, disability, religion or national origin.
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